Edifing every life touched

Project Name : Edifing every life touched Category : Religious
Seeking Fund : NLA 20,000,000.00 People Funded : USD 5.00
Days to Go : 946 days Associate Funds : NLA 5.00

Project Description

Edified Life Ministries and Liberty Prayer Chapel is currently seeking funds to aid in the travel expenses of the ministries. Our goal is to be able to accommodate as many travelers with us from our ministries as possible in order to better serve the countries we visit.

Our mission is to share the gospel with the people of the cities, provinces, and villages we meet as well as bringing provisions and prayer for those in need of healing. We are looking to bring hope and life to all those we encounter. In order to travel more effectively we are looking for donations to go towards the following travel costs:





* Provisions for families in need