ACA - Feed the Need - South Africa.

Project Name : ACA - Feed the Need - South Africa. Category : Community
Seeking Fund : NLA 3,799,000.00 People Funded : USD 5.00
Days to Go : 715 days Associate Funds : NLA 5.00

Project Description

Thank you for reading our Crowdfunding project - '''"Feed the Need - South Africa'''".

The Crowdfunding funds for the ACA-Party Charity Account.

The *ACA-Party want to help to feed the '''"Need'''" in South Africa, with Good Nutrition Food & Products. Health Products are very expensive. Some of this poor people have only food for once a day. Small Children cant understand this unhealthy problem.

Healthy food are the building blocks of the human race. If you are healthy you can think and work better. Hospital-  and medicine cost come down.

Some of these poor Boere-Afrikaners can’t normally afford new clothes and must get old and used clothes and shoes from other people.

* The ACA-Party have the qualities of intelligence, resilience, reliability.passion and the strength.   ***

Call To Action

We, the ACA-Party, have a dream to help these hungry people in food '''"need'''". - We want you to open your hart, hand and pocket, to invest in something that has eternal and external value. Your money can change and transforming these hungry people.

*** Don’t waste time and money - Invest in Gods people. He with an open hand to give -  will also receive.

*** We and the ACA-Party (South Africa) hope you will join us, in helping us on this needed project, by donating today.  

*** Just '''"click'''"on the green '''"Donate Now'''" button or make a direct payment through '''"Paypal'''" to:-