Cowichan Basket Society

Project Name : Cowichan Basket Society Category : Community
Seeking Fund : NLA 10,000.00 People Funded : USD 10.00
Days to Go : 7937 days Associate Funds : NLA 10.00

Project Description

About the Cowichan Valley Basket Society

We are a non-denominational group run by a volunteer Board of Directors.

Some board members are appointed by our sustaining donors, and the rest are simply caring members of the community that have become members of the society.

The Basket was started in 1988 by a broadly based group of Cowichan Valley residents who saw a great need for a coordinated answer to hunger in the area.

The first premises was opened on Evans Street.

From there we have made several moves but our current home on Garden Street will, we trust, be our permanent home as we purchased the property in 2015.